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Imagine this: You unlock your phone, go into your banking app and see that you’ve got a seven-digit number just staring back at you from the other side of your screen.

In those first few moments, your heart might start to beat a little faster, your mind racing from one thought to the next, and your hands could even become slightly clammy as they grip your phone...

But what next?

Perhaps your mind wanders to booking that dream vacation or buying the car from your vision board. Maybe you think about paying off some loans or giving some money to loved ones.

But hold on a second, we can’t go there just yet.

I had a friend whose dad left him one million dollars in his will, and he’s the reason I’m telling you this story…Within a year, he turned that seven-digit bank account into just $89,000. (not exactly a success story)

What if I told you that whatever you decided to do with that money, in those first couple of moments, will determine how much you NEED to hear this? (In order to be a millionaire you need to act like one)

In sales it’s much the same, just like losing a massive deal in our funnels, it’s what we do after the fact that matters. Our following actions are often limited to how we perceive ourselves.

My friend didn’t see himself as a millionaire, so he didn’t behave like one.

We are our own biggest critics and internal competitors. Simply put, it’s all in our head!

The same goes for us in sales. Self-doubt can be paralyzing in our kinds of roles. With all the hardship we endure and the thickness of skin… No wonder we may all fall victim to self doubt from time to time.

How do we know we are doubting ourselves?

Doubt manifests in avoiding difficult conversations, not asking for the sale, getting desperate, or failing to follow up…

Fear of failure is another significant internal competitor. It prevents us from stepping out of our comfort zones and trying new strategies that could potentially lead to greater success.

So, how can we feel like millionaires… or more tangibly…

How Can We Overcome Internal Competitors and Become High Level Sales People?

Awareness and Acknowledgment:

Recognize and acknowledge these internal competitors. Give a shot to consciously identifying and writing down your biggest sales fears and doubts, as this awareness can diminish the power these feelings hold over ourselves.

(I can’t stress this one enough)

Building Competence and Confidence:

Continuous training and skill development are so so so very crucial. I know it can be one of the last things we may want to do but in my many years as a seller and sales coach, I’ve seen those who become more competent within practice, outshine the confidence and performance of those who don’t. Nobody should want to practice sales with their prospects just like professional athletes don’t want to try a new move on game day. Practice will naturally reduce self-doubt and fear of failure so you can crush it when it’s time to get close. This includes practicing sales pitches, role-playing challenging scenarios, and learning from each interaction to build a repertoire of successful experiences.

(I’ve seen this one work the fastest)

Setting Small, Achievable Goals:

By setting and achieving small goals, you can build a track record of success, which boosts your self-esteem and helps in gradually overcoming larger fears and doubts. (If you want help with this click here)

Just like managing one million dollars requires understanding and sometimes help from financial advisors, managing your sales career might need insights from mentors or coaches.

Remember, just like my friend had to learn the hard way, your identity can either be your greatest asset or your biggest limitation.

You will always need to mentally identify as being a millionaire in order to become one.


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