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Keeping our funnels full is an ongoing journey. Sometimes it might feel like the journey isn’t worth it. It’s worth it for the following four groups who all benefit in different ways from full funnel freedom.

Group 1 – Buyers
When the funnels of our sellers are consistently, reliably full they are much more focused on creating buyer safety through qualifying instead of trying to ram a deal across the finish line because they are feeling desperate to close.

Buyers who feel like the seller they’re speaking with (our seller with a full funnel) is focused on helping them find a solution to their problem than getting a commission check will close faster because they don’t feel they need to play the usual cat-and-mouse games they play with other sellers.

Group 2 – Sellers
When the funnels of our sellers are full, they will focus on following the qualifying process we created for them, and they are much more likely to disqualify a bad fit prospect because they have the cushion a full funnel provides to catch them if a buyer says “no” or they say “no” to a buyer.

Sellers with a consistently full funnel stay in control of their sales cycle and avoid doing free consulting for buyers because they have the confidence to gently, respectfully push back on buyers who attempt to commoditize them.

Group 3 – Sales Managers
A sales manager with a team of sellers who have full funnels can focus on coaching and supporting their sellers with a consistent process instead of lurching from fire to fire, most of which were of their making.

Group 4 – Executives (or Owner)
The benefit to the executive, or owner, of an organization with full funnel freedom is they have certainty and clarity in forecasting their revenues.

Whether reporting to the public markets on a quarterly basis or regularly reporting to investors who expect a return on their investment, and potentially an exit for a good multiple, forecast certainty creates a sense of ease with executives and investors.

Creating and maintaining full funnel freedom is simple, not easy. Ultimately full funnel freedom supports these four groups as well as all the other non-client facing people in our organization.

Until next time… go lead.

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